Showing posts with label CARCASS GRINDER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CARCASS GRINDER. Show all posts

Monday, December 8, 2008


if you visit my blog on a regular basis I think you know that INSECT WARFARE is a band that really slays! this is their split with Nippon's CARCASS GRINDER and here you get 4 more tracks of ELITIST ASSHOLE GRIND on INSECT WARFARE's side of the split and 5 tracks of JAPGRIND on the flipside. truth be told I just listen to the INSECT WARFARE side! it's not that CARCASS GRINDER wouldn't be good it's just that they are no match for INSECT WARFARE! as a matter of fact if you aren't HATRED SURGE sharing a split with INSECT WARFARE might not be the smartest thing to do as they'll make your band look weak! came in nice colored vinyl!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


found this on the web when I stumbled over some dumbass NSBM blog... so, here we go again with Spain´s DENAK and most of their split 7"es! if you don´t know DENAK give them a try as they are one of Spain´s de luxe GRINDCOREbands with spanish lyrics!