Thursday, October 1, 2009


the long awaited MK-ULTRA discography 2 x 12" on YOUTH ATTACK has finally seen the light of day! having been announced for ages I started to doubt that it really would be released but fortunately I was wrong and so you've a chance to get your fix of MK-ULTRA without paying a small fortune on ebay for the org. wax. in my opinion they never got the attention they'd have deserved while they were alive and kicking. most people only referred to MK-ULTRA as "the other band of CHARLES BRONSON's drummer Ebro" which was/is far from doing them justice and in case you don't believe I suggest you buy their discography, which delivers 55 tracks of brilliant, fierce and angry FASTCORE/POWER VIOLENCE/whatever and hear for yourself. the 2 x 12" are on white vinyl and come in a gate-fold cover with a thick booklet. also included is a code that allows you to download high quality mp3s of the 55 tracks (ripped with 320 k/bits) and an additional 17 min. live cut. b.t.w. to celebrate the release of the discography MK-ULTRA will play a re-union show. see last pic. for details!


  1. i been lovin these guys ever since i picked up their split with seein red. def some good shit

  2. Great band. I used to play in Government for Hire with Gary Cihak, the original drummer of MK Ultra (who had to leave because of the hectic touring schedule when his first child was born), that was replaced by Ebro. Totally under rated band from one of the best scenes in the world. I'll be picking this up ASAP.


  3. Top knotch stuff for sure, was able to snag one of these from the 2nd pressing. I never thought this would see the light of day!

  4. The reunion show was so fucking good. Check the footage on youtube.

  5. MK-ULTRA one of my all time faves but nevertheless totally underrated!

    I'd have loved to see that reunion show...

    @ rawter:

    does the 2nd pressing differ from the 1st pressing?
