Wednesday, July 18, 2007


on a request from Billy of 7INCH CRUST I´ve uploaded BATTLE OF DISARM´s NOT LIE demo that I got from their singer Ryuji somewhen in the 90ies while we were trading records. it has 8 tracks that are divided in 4 live and 4 studio tracks but as the sound quality is good on neither the studio nor the live tracks the difference isn´t as big as you might have expected it to be. lyric-wise they hadn´t found any new topics yet (I assume they haven´t till today) animal rights, war, fill-in-your-punk-topic-of-choice-in-the-blank,... but as Ryuji was making a living by breeding insects in his flat and selling them via mail I allways that a little bit contradictory to their animal rights stance. I don´t know if his command of the English language was really not good enough to explain when asked or if he just pretended he couldn´t explain that to get away with it... I give him the credit of the doubt as the Japanese aren´t really known for their brilliant command of the English language in general!