Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Toxic Molar who runs BUDDHA KAHN blog asked me if I could post DROPDEAD's 2nd 12" that was released in 1998. after it's release DROPDEAD toured nearly the whole fucking world and the exhaustion from the intensive touring lead to the hiatus that has just been interrupted by the release of a split 7" here and there but seems to be over now as there are 4 shows in Europe! 10 years ago my band toured with DROPDEAD and I´m really looking forward to see them again! they are not only very nice and sincere people but a vicious liveband as well! their singer Bob said that their show in my hometown was the worst show they ever did but even if that would've been true they were better than 90% of all other bands I've seen! the PROMOTINAL USE ONLY flyer came with every copy of the 12" sold in Europe to avoid paying taxes. as you can see on the pic the 12" was on colored vinyl but the color is so dark it looks like it´s black vinyl unless you hold it against the light! this record is also known as the "needlekiller" cause the 1st side runs from the inside to the outside and if you aren't standing by your turntable to catch the arm that holds the needle when the side is over it will crash on your turntable and fuck it up! which, according to their guitarplayer Ben was exactly what they wanted as they thought that there were to many people who refuse to think any further than the music and so they tried to force people to at least think about catching the needle when listening to DROPDEAD! nice idea!


  1. Hey mein DIY Flyer kommt hier auch echt gut rüber! :-)
    Ich konnte die Rücklaufseite der Platte jahrelang nicht hören, weil mein Vollautomatik Arm immer von alleine zurücksetzte.
    Jetzt mit nem Turntable kann ich die Scheibe endlich komplett hören!

  2. Ja, Ja nix gut für Vollautomatik :-).
    War aber ein lustiger Gag. Man durfte nur das Ende nicht verpassen.

  3. ich hab mir extra meinen alten plattenspieler umbauen lassen nur um die platte und meine 5"es endlich hören zu können bevor ich mir dann meine turntable zugelegt hab.

    sorry, rob, hab nicht gecheckt, dass das ein eigenbau flyer von dir ist! hättest sonst natürlich credits erhalten!

  4. oh, und die INTEGRITY 12" konnte ich dann auch endlich ganz hören!

  5. Oh yea, Dropdead is the shit !!

  6. Papst Benedikt XVI said...
    "sorry, rob, hab nicht gecheckt, dass das ein eigenbau flyer von dir ist! hättest sonst natürlich credits erhalten!"

    Sieht richtig professionell aus, was?

  7. sieht es!

    hast du die schrift aufm rechner? such ich nämlich schon lang?


  9. super, danke, danke, danke! dafür verzeih ich dir auch den tomte-fan!

  10. Ich muss zugeben, daß ich Tomte noch nie gehört habe!!

  11. crazy shit!!! thanx a lot man!!!!

    i finally updated my blog u shuld check it

  12. any news on a new release?
