Sunday, October 12, 2008


thanks to the world wide web buying a record of a band I don't know and / or haven't heard before is a rare thing (truth be told it spoils the fun of buying records once in a while). one of those rare records was RUNNING FOR COVER's DARK WELL 12". I bought that record cause when their guitarist left a comment here someone pointed out that he used to play in SLAVESTATE before. now if that doesn't make you curious your interest in POWER VIOLENCE / GRINDCORE is just a farce! this 12" offers you 20 tracks in about 20 minutes and each single one of this 20 tracks is a real rager! good sound quality as well! I don't know the last time a band I haven't heard anything before blew me away as much as RUNNING FOR COVER! sad but true they've already split up before the record was released so I'd suggest you buy this record as long as you can (it might be considered a classic soon)!


  1. mike played guitar in Slavestate, not Crossed Out

  2. shit, of course you're right!

    that happened cause of the SLAVESTATE / CROSSED OUT split that was never released!

    thanks for correcting me!

  3. hahaha genau so bin ich auch an die lp gekommen!von wegen nur was lesen und dann "her damit".
    mich hat sie nicht so umgehauen.ich leg die die tage nochmal aufn teller.

  4. hahaha! ich find die platte großartig (aber ich mag auch die ZACK AHOI 7" hehehe)!

  5. hab mir die lp wieder angehört und jetzt kommts:

    wenn ich die ein wenig schneller pitche finde ich die saugeil!

    klingts komisch ist aber so.

    ich rippe mir die jetzt so haha.

  6. wieviel schneller?

    was hast du fürn plattenspieler?

  7. so hier mal das ganze album in schneller.viel spazz damit:

  8. gepitched sau geil!!!!
    regulär ehr semi...

  9. hey-
    could you re-up this?
    i love me some slave state,

    thanks & happy new year!

