...some phony piece of shit crying about something pointless and pretending to be something he´s not while trying to hide he´s just a fucking clown! go here! and if you got some spare time maybe you could spell it out for the retard that christianHARDCORE is an oxymoron!
damn that is sick. we watched a doc recently called "jesus camp" - freaky US indoctrination coupled with rightwing politics...recommened to watch if you want to feel really pissed off with christian americans! hahahah
I just read part of a forum a second ago. According to one "hardcore kid," the hardcore scene has always been conservative (!?) and we just needed Jesus to "anchor" us. Funny, I always thought hardcore started as a way for youth to break free from binding social norms and status quo expectations. I guess I had it wrong all these years...
I always thought that hardline straight edge resembled evangelical christianity, now the pictures of these bands prove it. Know God Know Masters. I'll pass.
I'm a bit of a git really, when it comes to religion in punk/HxCx. Iwas really excited to hear about krsna-core, because at the time, to me, it seemed to be a nice change from all the political bands and the stupid anti political bands. Pity the music NEVER lived up to the thrill of reading about it (except for ONE 108 song). Muslim HxCx is just as bad, and with the exception of Scottish punx SEDITION / SCATHA it seems the spooky Black Metalers have the pagan thing all sewn up. JEDI-CORE, That's what I want to hear!
I never had any sympathy for any religion in hc/punk! might have something to do with growing up in bavaria where church & state aren´t so seperated as they try to make you believe!
@ aesop: hm, but aren´t those guys convinced that the K.J.V. bible they use has to be believed word for word? cause then they shall rot in hell for their vegan lifestyle as the bible says that humans are superior to animals. and as J.C. did this miracle with fish & bread! that´s pride & vanity! that´s enough!
hey who's that guy that wrote that pamphlet a few years ago on why Christianity doesn't belong in punk?? Think it was through AK Press or sumfink. Someone should upload that so we can read it, i remember it was pretty interesting
typical answer for a non intellectual type of guy like yourself. which means you just said something that you yourself really don't know what you meant. it just sounded good. go back to your cave and do some thinking.
then why are humor and/or jokes something you don´t recognize when you stumble over it? no, don´t tell me as I couldn´t care less and I´m busy as hell with having fun in my cave!
maybe, but to explain the reasons for my disgust of religion and my hate for catholicism I would´ve to write more than just one book to set the whole story straight!
ahhh, nuff said, I can certainly understand. Being raised in a half catholic house, I can completely understand. Look, there is a big difference between organized religion and following Christ. I hate organized religion too, it is evil and wants to conform you to a stuffy mold that is not Christian. You need to read Foxe's Book of Martyr's, seriously, it will enlighten you on the true nature of where Catholocism came from.
christianity comes straight from the ancient pagan mystery religions and if you know where to look that´s plain to see!
look, I don´t want to "follow christ"! why should I? he was the 16ht "Lamb of God" in a row, what makes him so special? why not follow the 9ht?
and in case you don´t know: every single one of them represented the SUN and as I´m allergic to the sun I think I should stay away from sun worshiping!
have you read the bible? I think that you would have a different perspective if you read say, Matthew or John, I am not trying to force it on your bro, but seriously, what would it hurt. I came from a church that never cracked the bible, It was all about holier than thou crap.
for the record: I read the bible more then once (how could I tell you christianity comes straight out of the mystery religions if I wouldn´t have done some research?) and I´m sorry to disappoint you but I got my perspective cause I read stuff like Matthew and/or John! they tell you right there in the bible: it´s sun worship! (talking of the new testament which has nothing to do with the stuff from the old testament as that is more drugs, sex & crime related!)
can you get me the verses in the bible that specifically say it is sun worship? Maybe you are confusing it with SON worship? As in Jesus Christ? (that was a joke of course). I really enjoy your candidness and willingness to speak about it. Means a lot!
can you get me the verses in the bible that specifically say it is sun worship? nope, as it´s not the verses it´s the story itself! as I said earlier J.C. was the 16th "Lamb of God" in a row and the 15 Lambs before him were all born on the 25th of december, had a virgin mother,...were crucified, rose from the dead, etc. and that´s cause the bible tells you the story of the zodiac. that´s why J.C. had 12 disciples, and so on! if you want information about that try to get the movie Zeitgeist and/or The Book The Church Doesn´t Want You To Read by J. Maxwell! J.Maxwell online would be www.jordanmaxwell.com I think he can explain it way better than me!
Seems like a typical US phenomenon to me. Never came across a x-tian HC/punk band in Europe ever. I know there's a x-tian crust band on myspace I accidentally stumbled upon. Crazy! Hell, I even stumbled upon a NS straight edge site as well.
there´ve been x-tian punk bands in europe! one was called ALTAR BOYS but I´ve forgotten from where they came! and among the belgian s.e. bands have been some that had "strange" lyrics!
Your quote "they tell you right there in the bible: it´s sun worship!" now you are telling me that it is not in the bible, but now it is the story itself? that does not make sense. Also, did the other 15 lambs have the ability to heal? or the ability to create from nothing. I think your story is a little cloudy and doesn't really make sense. I am curious as to what you are talking about, but I am not sure that there is anything that supports your argument. Also, if it were the true word of God that you are referencing, wouldn't more people know about it rather than being some obscure reference that you cannot share?
my gut tells me that you had some bad experiences growing up in your church, in "organized religion." I understand. It leaves you cold and alienated because you don't fit it, or look like a Christian. Religion sucks, I agree with that. And you don't need religion, right? I had horrible experiences growing up in a Presbyterian church, never once learned the word of God, instead, everyone judged one another, and was holier than thou, and told me I wasn't good enough, sound familiar? You an outcast like me?
the only bad experience would´ve been that they tried to convince me that the bible is the "living word" of god!
yes, the other lambs "did the same/had the same abilities" J.C. should´ve had.
for me the bible and the story in it are the same. who said I can´t share my references? as far as I remember I pointed a book, a film and a website out to you where you could do some research for yourself?
shouldn´t more people know that there was a female pope? that J.C. wasn´t believed to be the son of god till he was given that title under Konstantin? that the thomas gospel was the most famous till the same Konstantin decided it shouldn´t be a part of the new testament that was created by/for him? as this are all historical facts I´d say yes!
who has weak arguments? till now, how many arguments have I heard from you? it sounds like you had some bad experiences and are now trying to project those on me!
let me tell you this: I wasn´t even raised very x-tian/catholic! that´s the reason I must tell you: sorry, but no you don´t understand! how could you? you know nothing about me and my life?
if you´re really curious about this stuff check sources I pointed out to you and if you try to label me, you maybe should ask me what I think/believe before you start guessing and judge me from what I could think/believe!
not judging you at all. I think where you are, I once was. I don't need to check your references. Here is why. Your references are from man. My references are from God. God and one (me) is the majority. If God is for me, then whom can be against me? Satan? Man? Government? The Church? Who? No one.
Just because you don't believe in Christ or God (or perhaps you do, sorry for assuming again), doesn't mean he doesn't exist, as a matter of fact, rationalizing that he doesn't exist, or that it is all a hoax or great made up story only strengthens the fact that he does exist (by your denying he exists, He has to actually exist for you to deny his presence). Get it?
You are wrong about Christ not being believed in as the Son of Man before Constantine. I love this argument. He is the king of the Jews, the Messiah, Jesus THE Christ, the "Anointed One", Mashiach. He existed before the bible and will exist long after the bible. Before there was anything, there was the word (Christ).
As for the Constantine removed books from the bible, just not true, read this http://www.thetruthaboutdavinci.com/emperor-constantine.html that might set you straight. You see, the bible is not just another book written my men, it IS the living word of God, those who told you that were right. You can choose not to believe, but what if it is right, and you have to face Christ for judgment when you die? What then? Will he know you friend? Will he say, you believed in me and confessed me to men? Or will he say, you did not know me, so I do not know you?
So let me ask you then, what do you believe? Do you believe there is a Satan but no God? After all, your blog clearly says "Hail Satan"
there was a programn on recently about black metal and even in that scene you had dumb smuck christians(yanks).bit that made me laugh was when someone asked what!,do they go around rebuilding burnt down churches?...
bring back the romans i say. i,d pay to see them play with the lions.....
just so you know, the Pope is not God, he has no authority over you or me. He is no closer to God than you our I, he has not special powers. You and God are more powerful than the pope. Papacy is a joke. You don't need man to make intercession for you to God, that is why Christ died, he makes intercession for us to the Father when we pray. I understand your anger and confusion about popery, it is a sham.
41 comments in two days, nice one pope. Sorry I didn't get in on this one earlier. Dialog man, something that can be hard to come by when talking about touchy things like religion. Such a personal thing, spirituality, unless you're the type who like to goose step along with the others, like so many have throughout history. Here we have a passive example of what has been played out in blood, torture and misery ever since Jesus died on the cross. Christianity isn't even a unified thought or there wouldn't be 100s of different denominations. As far as the bible being the word of God, come on Josh, there are hundreds of versions based on thousands and thousands of fragments that don't all agree with each other. The old testament has a lot of good wisdom type stuff but for the most part is the story of a bunch of nomads. They whine about Egyptian slavery yet commit genocide on their neighbors. God's chosen people? The new testament just doesn't make sense after Jesus was crucified. Paul (a pharisee and christian persecutor), along with others turn the teaching of Jesus into a religion just the one Jesus was condemning in the first place. In the Apocolypse of Peter, which was widely circulated but did not end up in the cannon it says, "For many will accept our teaching in the beginning. And they will turn from them again by the will of the Father of their error, because they have done what he wanted. And he will reveal them in his judgment, i.e., the servants of the Word. But those who became mingled with these shall become their prisoners, since they are without perception. And the guileless, good, pure one they push to the worker of death, and to the kingdom of those who praise Christ in a restoration. And they praise the men of the propagation of falsehood, those who will come after you. And they will cleave to the name of a dead man, thinking that they will become pure. But they will become greatly defiled and they will fall into a name of error, and into the hand of an evil, cunning man and a manifold dogma, and they will be ruled without law." The bottom line is this is personal stuff, between you and your maker, as they say. I don't dislike Jesus at all and actually follow a lot of what he had to say, but his folowers, or at least the ones who claim to are another story. There are communistists, anarchists, fascists, patriots and so on in hardcore, why not throw some religion into the mix. :-)
@ josh: ah, I see you don´t have to check anything cause of god! won´t you ever dare to say I got WEAK arguments! I was starting to think you´re an intelligent guy but now you just make me laugh!
anyway, I didn´t have the time to check that website you pointed out but as my knowledge isn´t derived from the "DaVinci Code" and as I think the people who provide their information there might have the same great references you have... it wouldnn´t matter!
oh, and no I don´t believe there is "a satan" and no god. seems like you don´t know much about satanism? believe it or not but most modern day satanists DON`T believe in "a satan"! read the satanic bible! oh, I forgot you don´t need to check references as gods on your side!
@ blad the inhaler: I agree! that idea with the lions sounds good!
@ fritz: it never was my aim to influence opinions!
@ justin: I was waiting for your comment! I knew you´d be on this one and what a comment you wrote! you spared me from pointing out that this "god" seems to not really know what he wants as there are so many different versions of his "living word"! you should´ve added that the old testament is about different deities (mostly a vulcano deity) that´ve nothing to do with the new testament!
b.t.w. there´s no historical evidence that the jews were enslaved by in Egypt and there are some bible scholars who teach that the enslavement story is just a cover up!
the reason why the Apocalypse of Peter wasn´t included could be that peter represents the moon...
and you´re right - There are communists, anarchists, fascists, patriots and so on in hardcore, why not throw some religion into the mix - but as I think they´re all full of shit why not think X-tian hc is full of shit too?
i wasnt accusing anyone of anything, i guess i should have made clearer that i dont think that this is the correct context for a debate of this magnitude. thus i had to resort to ridicule! the faith debate has been raging since time immemorial, it will enter every "subculture" at some point.
hey, I have had a really good time discussing this topic with you guys. I really appreciate the fact that even if we don't see eye to eye, you guys are civil and constructive in your view points. I will pray for you guys, and I hope that one day, you will see the light as I have. I used to buy into a lot of the stuff that you guys are citing, but then I read the bible, cover to cover and it changed my life forever. I know you guys knocked my site www.HXCChristian.com, but you guys are right, there is plenty of space in the scene for all of us. If any of you guys are curious, or just want to check it out, feel free to register and ask, what can it hurt? And the music really is good, I gave up all my old hardcore, ska, punk, and Oi! Thousands of CDs and vinyl, I have to give it up, it was unclean, not saying I am perfect by any means, but I am cleaning up my life one place at a time, for the Lord, for my family, and myself. Thanks guys! Take care and I hope that the God of Israel continues to bless you all!
@ fritz: didn´t take your comment as an accuse! just wanted to make that clear!
@josh: you proofed that you know nothing about your "faith"! you want us to see "the light"? that´s an occult term meaning you want us to worship luzifer (= the light / lightbringer) and the god of israel should bless us? which one of the 3? ISis, amen-RA or EL? continue to believe the lies you´ve been fed! someone who doesn´t need to check cause god´s on his side deserves no better!
and I´m not sorry to say that I won´t join your crowd and I´ll tell you what it would hurt: my time! I´ve no time to waste on bands that I despise and I honestly doubt that there will EVER be a band claiming to be HC with X-tian lyrics that I´d say they´re good! oh, and I don´t think there´s room for all of us! go back to the part with the lions...
In case you're taking requests, could you please do the Cretins 10" on Weird System, "Man between Walls" plus "Essen Aus Frust" 7" ftom Missing The Scene?? That would be wonderful!
I know someone who´s got the 10"... as the guy´s got cancer I don´t know how he´s doing if he´s in a phase where he´s not doing to bad I maybe could ask him to rip it.
This "debate" is only 0.01% more original than the one RAGING at Profane Existence forum and at Burning Japan over filesharing and EXPLOITED artists!
I think we all need to lay off the net for a few weeks...and go to the beach and listen to SxOxBx on our earphones and chill the fuck down....hold on, only you guys who OWN the records blah blah blah
Anyway, nice one Pope! You tell them douchebags where the cupboard should stand (as we say in Schweden).
Cute subject. No doubt the zelots have much angst. I suppose there could be any type of punk.If a band sang only of ass they would be known as Ass Punks.
just so you know, the LIGHT is not satan. It is Christ, he was brought into the world by God as a Light for men. Before Christ, men dwelt in darkness. They feared the light, and rightly so as we are all sinners. We hide from the light. There is only one God of Israel, the one true living God, the God that will judge all of us the same when we die. Not sure where you got your info from. Perhaps you are confusing idols that were worshiped by some of the Jews that God blotted out when he laid down his ten commandments. I am sheep, and my sheppard is Christ. I am proud to be in his flock, literally, because with Christ on my side, nothing that any human says can hurt me or sink my foundation. Take care guys!
Justin, "Christianity" in its self may not be unified, but belief in Christ and the word of God (ie the Bible) is not Christianity, Christianity is a word that we use to describe our religion, which 99% of the time gets it wrong by not teaching God's true doctrine.
As for your analysis of the bible not making sense, I suggest you read up on it. You see, the Jews, could not follow God's rules, they made laws, God sent his son Jesus THE Christ to free the Jews of their legalism (much like organized religion as become today). Jesus was not preaching against Judiasim, but telling the Jews that they had it all wrong. God realized that his chosen people, as much as he tried to get them to follow his commandments were just not capable. As we are not today. So Jesus THE Christ died for all our sins, mine and yours. Like a down payment so that we could get into heaven if we believe in him, spread his gospel, and confess him to men.
As per your lost book of Peter, I am confident in saying that the reason that this book is not part of the Holy Bible is because it never was to begin with. It has been agreed upon that there were only to be 5 gospels. This perhaps was part of Gnosticism which was false teaching in the time of Christ, and carried on for some time after Christ, but was brought to light for what it was, false doctrine. In the bible it says, that if anyone comes with new revelation, or new "books" or "gospels" they claim where at one time part of the bible they are not true, that is why they are false. This is why the Mormon doctrine is completely false, The book of Revelation in the bible is the "Final revelation of Jesus Christ" This is why Islam is also not a true religion. Pretty neat huh?
Well, before my days of Agnosticism and Libertarian Communism... I was a right-wing baptist christian. That was, until I actually read the book of Proverbs and realised that it's completely sexist and authoritarian. Look at this verse against women! "A virtuous woman is the crown of her husband; But she that maketh ashamed is as rotteness in his bones" - Proverbs 12:4 So Anonymous (person whoever you may be), I'd like to say that your interpretation of the bible is just that... entirely your own view, and has absolutely nothing to do with "the true word". Trust me, I went to church, and I'm extremely bible literate. It's the same old shit that they tell you. It's the same shit that the Spaniards used to justify wiping out an entire indigenous peoples. Besides, God is a tyrant in my opinion. Anyone who would send more that 5/6 of the earth's population simply because they don't recognise Jesus as their Lord and Saviour... is a damn tyrant. Furthermore, the image of god is also completely based off of the euro-centric and eurasia-centric belief of Male Dominance (aka... Patriarchy and shit). If we lived in a matriarchist society, God would be a Goddess, and Eve would have been created first in the book of Genesis. Also, The story of Cain and Abel is about the ancient sematic people (Jews) being forced out of their hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and being forced to take up agriculture, they simply made an archaic story about it, unlike other peoples who were forced into the same thing. And finally, you should be wary of believing in the bible's words. Most of the ancient hebrew language is still impossible to translate, and the english versions of the Bible are incredibly inaccurate, or at least, interpreted too seriously. It is a cryptic text, and should be treated as such. And I don't understand why you think Islam isn't the "true" religion as you say, at least they recognise Jesus as a prophet, and their text is more accurately translated. As for Christian Hardcore, I don't care. Just as long as it's not right-wing in political nature and still has some emphasis on leftist economics (socialism and anarchist socialism) it's fine with me.
X-tians with a concern for "leftist economics"... hm, sounds like the jesuits to me? perhaps they even would agree that "political activism is an exciting game"?
Well yes, if you've taken a look at Latin American political history, most of the people participating in working class struggles are people with Catholic religious beliefs. It's just because the working person in a Third World country doesn't have time to question a lot of things, or pursue any intellectualism, so they hold onto something else: religion. Not all Christians or religious people are fascist in their political beliefs (although a lot are). It's usually just christians who have been affected by western values and the conservative status quo who end up bad. This goes for everything though: Judge the individual's character, not the history they're attributed with.
if you own the rights to any of the music posted here, and would like it removed, just contact me, and I will promptly delete it even though I'll mainly post records that I believe to be out of print! if you want me to post your bands stuff on my blog you've to send me a physical copy of whatever you want me to post!
what can I say? I am the pope that means I'm right and you're wrong! I'm your worst nightmare in case I have or in case I want to! if anything you read here upsets you - cry me a river!
b.t.w. I don't need to know you to dislike you!
damn that is sick. we watched a doc recently called "jesus camp" - freaky US indoctrination coupled with rightwing politics...recommened to watch if you want to feel really pissed off with christian americans! hahahah
ReplyDeleteI admit to watch stuff like "The Prophecy Club" for entertaining purposes! but as soon as I hear X-tian HC/Punk I´d like to throw up!
ReplyDeleteChristian punk/hc has been around since the early 80s. Nothing new.
ReplyDeleteah, and cause there´ve been idiots that fell for that shit way back then it´s ok today? hmm....
ReplyDeleteI just read part of a forum a second ago. According to one "hardcore kid," the hardcore scene has always been conservative (!?) and we just needed Jesus to "anchor" us. Funny, I always thought hardcore started as a way for youth to break free from binding social norms and status quo expectations. I guess I had it wrong all these years...
ReplyDeletewell, according to the pope there´s a big chance that this "HC-kid" has shit instead of brain in his head!
ReplyDeleteI always thought that hardline straight edge resembled evangelical christianity, now the pictures of these bands prove it. Know God Know Masters. I'll pass.
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit of a git really, when it comes to religion in punk/HxCx. Iwas really excited to hear about krsna-core, because at the time, to me, it seemed to be a nice change from all the political bands and the stupid anti political bands. Pity the music NEVER lived up to the thrill of reading about it (except for ONE 108 song).
ReplyDeleteMuslim HxCx is just as bad, and with the exception of Scottish punx SEDITION / SCATHA it seems the spooky Black Metalers have the pagan thing all sewn up.
JEDI-CORE, That's what I want to hear!
I never had any sympathy for any religion in hc/punk! might have something to do with growing up in bavaria where church & state aren´t so seperated as they try to make you believe!
ReplyDelete@ aesop:
ReplyDeletehm, but aren´t those guys convinced that the K.J.V. bible they use has to be believed word for word? cause then they shall rot in hell for their vegan lifestyle as the bible says that humans are superior to animals. and as J.C. did this miracle with fish & bread! that´s pride & vanity! that´s enough!
hey who's that guy that wrote that pamphlet a few years ago on why Christianity doesn't belong in punk?? Think it was through AK Press or sumfink. Someone should upload that so we can read it, i remember it was pretty interesting
ReplyDeletehm, interesting....hm, plain to see or obvious would be descriptions that´d describe it better!
ReplyDeleteJust found the url for the pamphlet i was talking about. Enjoy!
You're crying over christian punks and make a statement like this:"what can I say? I am the pope... this means I`m right you`re wrong!" ha ha idiot.
ReplyDelete@ satan is dead:
ReplyDeletewow, you´re a highlight within the sheep of the X-tian flock!
you just proofed you´re mentally and/or socially retarded!
how did i prove it? enlighten me dear master.
ReplyDeleteit´s a thinking man´s thing you wouldn´t understand!
ReplyDeletetypical answer for a non intellectual type of guy like yourself. which means you just said something that you yourself really don't know what you meant. it just sounded good. go back to your cave and do some thinking.
ReplyDeletefor the record i'm not a christian ;).
then why are humor and/or jokes something you don´t recognize when you stumble over it? no, don´t tell me as I couldn´t care less and I´m busy as hell with having fun in my cave!
ReplyDeletehi hi hi i think you're cute. kisses.
ReplyDeletea non intellectual type of guy like myself wouldn´t want to think even if he could! but I can have fun in my cave! ;-)
ReplyDeletewhy are you so angry?
ReplyDeletewho is angry?
ReplyDeleteyou seem very threatened and angry about Christians.
ReplyDeletemaybe, but to explain the reasons for my disgust of religion and my hate for catholicism I would´ve to write more than just one book to set the whole story straight!
ReplyDeletei think Christian Hardcore is NYHC's prodigal son... AND they both suck...!!!
ReplyDeletean oxymoron, i agree...
ahhh, nuff said, I can certainly understand. Being raised in a half catholic house, I can completely understand. Look, there is a big difference between organized religion and following Christ. I hate organized religion too, it is evil and wants to conform you to a stuffy mold that is not Christian. You need to read Foxe's Book of Martyr's, seriously, it will enlighten you on the true nature of where Catholocism came from.
ReplyDeletechristianity comes straight from the ancient pagan mystery religions and if you know where to look that´s plain to see!
ReplyDeletelook, I don´t want to "follow christ"! why should I? he was the 16ht "Lamb of God" in a row, what makes him so special? why not follow the 9ht?
and in case you don´t know: every single one of them represented the SUN and as I´m allergic to the sun I think I should stay away from sun worshiping!
have you read the bible? I think that you would have a different perspective if you read say, Matthew or John, I am not trying to force it on your bro, but seriously, what would it hurt. I came from a church that never cracked the bible, It was all about holier than thou crap.
for the record: I read the bible more then once (how could I tell you christianity comes straight out of the mystery religions if I wouldn´t have done some research?) and I´m sorry to disappoint you but I got my perspective cause I read stuff like Matthew and/or John! they tell you right there in the bible: it´s sun worship! (talking of the new testament which has nothing to do with the stuff from the old testament as that is more drugs, sex & crime related!)
ReplyDeletecan you get me the verses in the bible that specifically say it is sun worship? Maybe you are confusing it with SON worship? As in Jesus Christ? (that was a joke of course). I really enjoy your candidness and willingness to speak about it. Means a lot!
can you get me the verses in the bible that specifically say it is sun worship?
ReplyDeletenope, as it´s not the verses it´s the story itself! as I said earlier J.C. was the 16th "Lamb of God" in a row and the 15 Lambs before him were all born on the 25th of december, had a virgin mother,...were crucified, rose from the dead, etc. and that´s cause the bible tells you the story of the zodiac. that´s why J.C. had 12 disciples, and so on! if you want information about that try to get the movie Zeitgeist and/or The Book The Church Doesn´t Want You To Read by J. Maxwell!
J.Maxwell online would be www.jordanmaxwell.com I think he can explain it way better than me!
Seems like a typical US phenomenon to me. Never came across a x-tian HC/punk band in Europe ever.
ReplyDeleteI know there's a x-tian crust band on myspace I accidentally stumbled upon. Crazy!
Hell, I even stumbled upon a NS straight edge site as well.
there´ve been x-tian punk bands in europe! one was called ALTAR BOYS but I´ve forgotten from where they came! and among the belgian s.e. bands have been some that had "strange" lyrics!
ReplyDeleteYour quote "they tell you right there in the bible: it´s sun worship!" now you are telling me that it is not in the bible, but now it is the story itself? that does not make sense. Also, did the other 15 lambs have the ability to heal? or the ability to create from nothing. I think your story is a little cloudy and doesn't really make sense. I am curious as to what you are talking about, but I am not sure that there is anything that supports your argument. Also, if it were the true word of God that you are referencing, wouldn't more people know about it rather than being some obscure reference that you cannot share?
my gut tells me that you had some bad experiences growing up in your church, in "organized religion." I understand. It leaves you cold and alienated because you don't fit it, or look like a Christian. Religion sucks, I agree with that. And you don't need religion, right? I had horrible experiences growing up in a Presbyterian church, never once learned the word of God, instead, everyone judged one another, and was holier than thou, and told me I wasn't good enough, sound familiar? You an outcast like me?
the only bad experience would´ve been that they tried to convince me that the bible is the "living word" of god!
ReplyDeleteyes, the other lambs "did the same/had the same abilities" J.C. should´ve had.
for me the bible and the story in it are the same. who said I can´t share my references? as far as I remember I pointed a book, a film and a website out to you where you could do some research for yourself?
shouldn´t more people know that there was a female pope? that J.C. wasn´t believed to be the son of god till he was given that title under Konstantin? that the thomas gospel was the most famous till the same Konstantin decided it shouldn´t be a part of the new testament that was created by/for him? as this are all historical facts I´d say yes!
who has weak arguments? till now, how many arguments have I heard from you? it sounds like you had some bad experiences and are now trying to project those on me!
let me tell you this: I wasn´t even raised very x-tian/catholic!
that´s the reason I must tell you: sorry, but no you don´t understand! how could you? you know nothing about me and my life?
if you´re really curious about this stuff check sources I pointed out to you and if you try to label me, you maybe should ask me what I think/believe before you start guessing and judge me from what I could think/believe!
not judging you at all. I think where you are, I once was. I don't need to check your references. Here is why. Your references are from man. My references are from God. God and one (me) is the majority. If God is for me, then whom can be against me? Satan? Man? Government? The Church? Who? No one.
ReplyDeleteJust because you don't believe in Christ or God (or perhaps you do, sorry for assuming again), doesn't mean he doesn't exist, as a matter of fact, rationalizing that he doesn't exist, or that it is all a hoax or great made up story only strengthens the fact that he does exist (by your denying he exists, He has to actually exist for you to deny his presence). Get it?
You are wrong about Christ not being believed in as the Son of Man before Constantine. I love this argument. He is the king of the Jews, the Messiah, Jesus THE Christ, the "Anointed One", Mashiach. He existed before the bible and will exist long after the bible. Before there was anything, there was the word (Christ).
As for the Constantine removed books from the bible, just not true, read this http://www.thetruthaboutdavinci.com/emperor-constantine.html that might set you straight. You see, the bible is not just another book written my men, it IS the living word of God, those who told you that were right. You can choose not to believe, but what if it is right, and you have to face Christ for judgment when you die? What then? Will he know you friend? Will he say, you believed in me and confessed me to men? Or will he say, you did not know me, so I do not know you?
So let me ask you then, what do you believe? Do you believe there is a Satan but no God? After all, your blog clearly says "Hail Satan"
I'll pray for you.
there was a programn on recently about black metal and even in that scene you had dumb smuck christians(yanks).bit that made me laugh was when someone asked what!,do they go around rebuilding burnt down churches?...
ReplyDeletebring back the romans i say.
i,d pay to see them play with the lions.....
blad the inhaler
well, i believe there was a pope who died because a fly flew down his throat and he choked to death, what a great story!
ReplyDeletejust so you know, the Pope is not God, he has no authority over you or me. He is no closer to God than you our I, he has not special powers. You and God are more powerful than the pope. Papacy is a joke. You don't need man to make intercession for you to God, that is why Christ died, he makes intercession for us to the Father when we pray. I understand your anger and confusion about popery, it is a sham.
Damn right Im more powerfull than the pope! I could whip him in an armwrestling contest anyday!
ReplyDeleteIm tired of this debate now. Opinions will not be influenced any further.
41 comments in two days, nice one pope. Sorry I didn't get in on this one earlier. Dialog man, something that can be hard to come by when talking about touchy things like religion. Such a personal thing, spirituality, unless you're the type who like to goose step along with the others, like so many have throughout history. Here we have a passive example of what has been played out in blood, torture and misery ever since Jesus died on the cross. Christianity isn't even a unified thought or there wouldn't be 100s of different denominations. As far as the bible being the word of God, come on Josh, there are hundreds of versions based on thousands and thousands of fragments that don't all agree with each other. The old testament has a lot of good wisdom type stuff but for the most part is the story of a bunch of nomads. They whine about Egyptian slavery yet commit genocide on their neighbors. God's chosen people? The new testament just doesn't make sense after Jesus was crucified. Paul (a pharisee and christian persecutor), along with others turn the teaching of Jesus into a religion just the one Jesus was condemning in the first place.
ReplyDeleteIn the Apocolypse of Peter, which was widely circulated but did not end up in the cannon it says, "For many will accept our teaching in the beginning. And they will turn from them again by the will of the Father of their error, because they have done what he wanted. And he will reveal them in his judgment, i.e., the servants of the Word. But those who became mingled with these shall become their prisoners, since they are without perception. And the guileless, good, pure one they push to the worker of death, and to the kingdom of those who praise Christ in a restoration. And they praise the men of the propagation of falsehood, those who will come after you. And they will cleave to the name of a dead man, thinking that they will become pure. But they will become greatly defiled and they will fall into a name of error, and into the hand of an evil, cunning man and a manifold dogma, and they will be ruled without law." The bottom line is this is personal stuff, between you and your maker, as they say. I don't dislike Jesus at all and actually follow a lot of what he had to say, but his folowers, or at least the ones who claim to are another story. There are communistists, anarchists, fascists, patriots and so on in hardcore, why not throw some religion into the mix. :-)
Fritz, sorry man. Your comment came in while I was busy typing away. I should have listened to you. Your drawings are awesome by the way.
ReplyDeletesorry for the delay but I had to work till now!
ReplyDelete@ josh:
ah, I see you don´t have to check anything cause of god! won´t you ever dare to say I got WEAK arguments! I was starting to think you´re an intelligent guy but now you just make me laugh!
anyway, I didn´t have the time to check that website you pointed out but as my knowledge isn´t derived from the "DaVinci Code" and as I think the people who provide their information there might have the same great references you have... it wouldnn´t matter!
oh, and no I don´t believe there is "a satan" and no god. seems like you don´t know much about satanism? believe it or not but most modern day satanists DON`T believe in "a satan"! read the satanic bible! oh, I forgot you don´t need to check references as gods on your side!
@ blad the inhaler:
I agree! that idea with the lions sounds good!
@ fritz:
it never was my aim to influence opinions!
@ justin:
I was waiting for your comment! I knew you´d be on this one and what a comment you wrote! you spared me from pointing out that this "god" seems to not really know what he wants as there are so many different versions of his "living word"!
you should´ve added that the old testament is about different deities (mostly a vulcano deity) that´ve nothing to do with the new testament!
b.t.w. there´s no historical evidence that the jews were enslaved by in Egypt and there are some bible scholars who teach that the enslavement story is just a cover up!
the reason why the Apocalypse of Peter wasn´t included could be that peter represents the moon...
and you´re right - There are communists, anarchists, fascists, patriots and so on in hardcore, why not throw some religion into the mix - but as I think they´re all full of shit why not think X-tian hc is full of shit too?
i wasnt accusing anyone of anything, i guess i should have made clearer that i dont think that this is the correct context for a debate of this magnitude. thus i had to resort to ridicule! the faith debate has been raging since time immemorial, it will enter every "subculture" at some point.
ReplyDeletethanks for the praise, more to be upped soon!
hey, I have had a really good time discussing this topic with you guys. I really appreciate the fact that even if we don't see eye to eye, you guys are civil and constructive in your view points. I will pray for you guys, and I hope that one day, you will see the light as I have. I used to buy into a lot of the stuff that you guys are citing, but then I read the bible, cover to cover and it changed my life forever. I know you guys knocked my site www.HXCChristian.com, but you guys are right, there is plenty of space in the scene for all of us. If any of you guys are curious, or just want to check it out, feel free to register and ask, what can it hurt? And the music really is good, I gave up all my old hardcore, ska, punk, and Oi! Thousands of CDs and vinyl, I have to give it up, it was unclean, not saying I am perfect by any means, but I am cleaning up my life one place at a time, for the Lord, for my family, and myself. Thanks guys! Take care and I hope that the God of Israel continues to bless you all!
@ fritz:
ReplyDeletedidn´t take your comment as an accuse! just wanted to make that clear!
you proofed that you know nothing about your "faith"! you want us to see "the light"? that´s an occult term meaning you want us to worship luzifer (= the light / lightbringer)
and the god of israel should bless us? which one of the 3? ISis, amen-RA or EL?
continue to believe the lies you´ve been fed! someone who doesn´t need to check cause god´s on his side deserves no better!
and I´m not sorry to say that I won´t join your crowd and I´ll tell you what it would hurt: my time! I´ve no time to waste on bands that I despise and I honestly doubt that there will EVER be a band claiming to be HC with X-tian lyrics that I´d say they´re good!
oh, and I don´t think there´s room for all of us! go back to the part with the lions...
In case you're taking requests, could you please do the Cretins 10" on Weird System, "Man between Walls" plus "Essen Aus Frust" 7" ftom Missing The Scene??
ReplyDeleteThat would be wonderful!
thank the pope drcusty@hotmail.fr
ReplyDelete@ DD:
ReplyDeleteI´m sorry but I don´t have those 2 records!
OK! I will take it like a man!
I know someone who´s got the 10"... as the guy´s got cancer I don´t know how he´s doing if he´s in a phase where he´s not doing to bad I maybe could ask him to rip it.
ReplyDeleteThis "debate" is only 0.01% more original than the one RAGING at Profane Existence forum and at Burning Japan over filesharing and EXPLOITED artists!
ReplyDeleteI think we all need to lay off the net for a few weeks...and go to the beach and listen to SxOxBx on our earphones and chill the fuck down....hold on, only you guys who OWN the records blah blah blah
Anyway, nice one Pope! You tell them douchebags where the cupboard should stand (as we say in Schweden).
Cute subject.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt the zelots have much angst.
I suppose there could be any type of punk.If a band sang only of ass they would be known as Ass Punks.
just so you know, the LIGHT is not satan. It is Christ, he was brought into the world by God as a Light for men. Before Christ, men dwelt in darkness. They feared the light, and rightly so as we are all sinners. We hide from the light. There is only one God of Israel, the one true living God, the God that will judge all of us the same when we die. Not sure where you got your info from. Perhaps you are confusing idols that were worshiped by some of the Jews that God blotted out when he laid down his ten commandments. I am sheep, and my sheppard is Christ. I am proud to be in his flock, literally, because with Christ on my side, nothing that any human says can hurt me or sink my foundation. Take care guys!
ReplyDeleteJustin, "Christianity" in its self may not be unified, but belief in Christ and the word of God (ie the Bible) is not Christianity, Christianity is a word that we use to describe our religion, which 99% of the time gets it wrong by not teaching God's true doctrine.
As for your analysis of the bible not making sense, I suggest you read up on it. You see, the Jews, could not follow God's rules, they made laws, God sent his son Jesus THE Christ to free the Jews of their legalism (much like organized religion as become today). Jesus was not preaching against Judiasim, but telling the Jews that they had it all wrong. God realized that his chosen people, as much as he tried to get them to follow his commandments were just not capable. As we are not today. So Jesus THE Christ died for all our sins, mine and yours. Like a down payment so that we could get into heaven if we believe in him, spread his gospel, and confess him to men.
As per your lost book of Peter, I am confident in saying that the reason that this book is not part of the Holy Bible is because it never was to begin with. It has been agreed upon that there were only to be 5 gospels. This perhaps was part of Gnosticism which was false teaching in the time of Christ, and carried on for some time after Christ, but was brought to light for what it was, false doctrine. In the bible it says, that if anyone comes with new revelation, or new "books" or "gospels" they claim where at one time part of the bible they are not true, that is why they are false. This is why the Mormon doctrine is completely false, The book of Revelation in the bible is the "Final revelation of Jesus Christ" This is why Islam is also not a true religion. Pretty neat huh?
Take care guys, still praying for you!
Well, before my days of Agnosticism and Libertarian Communism... I was a right-wing baptist christian. That was, until I actually read the book of Proverbs and realised that it's completely sexist and authoritarian.
ReplyDeleteLook at this verse against women!
"A virtuous woman is the crown of her husband; But she that maketh ashamed is as rotteness in his bones" - Proverbs 12:4
So Anonymous (person whoever you may be), I'd like to say that your interpretation of the bible is just that... entirely your own view, and has absolutely nothing to do with "the true word".
Trust me, I went to church, and I'm extremely bible literate. It's the same old shit that they tell you. It's the same shit that the Spaniards used to justify wiping out an entire indigenous peoples.
Besides, God is a tyrant in my opinion. Anyone who would send more that 5/6 of the earth's population simply because they don't recognise Jesus as their Lord and Saviour... is a damn tyrant.
Furthermore, the image of god is also completely based off of the euro-centric and eurasia-centric belief of Male Dominance (aka... Patriarchy and shit). If we lived in a matriarchist society, God would be a Goddess, and Eve would have been created first in the book of Genesis. Also, The story of Cain and Abel is about the ancient sematic people (Jews) being forced out of their hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and being forced to take up agriculture, they simply made an archaic story about it, unlike other peoples who were forced into the same thing.
And finally, you should be wary of believing in the bible's words. Most of the ancient hebrew language is still impossible to translate, and the english versions of the Bible are incredibly inaccurate, or at least, interpreted too seriously. It is a cryptic text, and should be treated as such.
And I don't understand why you think Islam isn't the "true" religion as you say, at least they recognise Jesus as a prophet, and their text is more accurately translated.
As for Christian Hardcore, I don't care. Just as long as it's not right-wing in political nature and still has some emphasis on leftist economics (socialism and anarchist socialism) it's fine with me.
X-tians with a concern for "leftist economics"... hm, sounds like the jesuits to me? perhaps they even would agree that "political activism is an exciting game"?
ReplyDeleteWell yes, if you've taken a look at Latin American political history, most of the people participating in working class struggles are people with Catholic religious beliefs. It's just because the working person in a Third World country doesn't have time to question a lot of things, or pursue any intellectualism, so they hold onto something else: religion.
ReplyDeleteNot all Christians or religious people are fascist in their political beliefs (although a lot are). It's usually just christians who have been affected by western values and the conservative status quo who end up bad. This goes for everything though: Judge the individual's character, not the history they're attributed with.