Friday, January 16, 2009


Seriously PUNCH deliver sick-fucking HARDCORE. hailing from the Bay-Area and featuring ex-members of prior Bay-Area blast-units like DOPPELGANGER and ROSENBOMBS, PUNCH take it to a new level by bringing small doses of moshparts, only to switch back into rapid-fire blasting that will kick your teeth in at once. another thing that sets them apart from the rest is that they are female fronted and the lady handling the vocals does a great job. There's playing fast, then there's playing fast and then there's stuff like this!


  1. Hardcore the way it should be ! Dankeschön !!!

  2. I encourage everyone to buy this EP and to see this band live any chance they get. This is top notch stuff.

  3. at your service Count!

    I thought this 7" is sold out and the band split up?

  4. Well, I bought mine when they came through town here about a month ago. I live in Los Angeles. They are together still as far as I know.

  5. do they have any other releases?
    could you point a distro where its available for purchase.

    awesome post!!

  6. I just found out you can buy it here:

  7. I just downloaded Punch for free. At least I'm not sleeping in a tent in San Di-fucking-ego. Thanks for the good shit.
