these guys, who have Hr. Stig(NZ) you know from here within their ranks, are absolutly fantastic! JAPCOREmade in New Zealand! these guys know their bunkai! to make a long story short: they rule, period!
if you own the rights to any of the music posted here, and would like it removed, just contact me, and I will promptly delete it even though I'll mainly post records that I believe to be out of print! if you want me to post your bands stuff on my blog you've to send me a physical copy of whatever you want me to post!
what can I say? I am the pope that means I'm right and you're wrong! I'm your worst nightmare in case I have or in case I want to! if anything you read here upsets you - cry me a river!
b.t.w. I don't need to know you to dislike you!
Looks very interesting. Thanks for the "heads up"