Saturday, June 7, 2008


this is HEWHOCORRUPTS 1st 12" which is called TEN STEPS TO SUCCESS. you might be familiar with them as this is not my 1st HEWHOCORRUPTS post. if you´re not familiar already you might guess what to expect when I tell you that this 12" was released on 625 THRASH records and that HEWHOCORRUPTS was formed by people that played in KUNG FU RICK before. crazy GRINDCORE thight as hell played by top notch musicans! one of my fave "new" GRINDCORE bands even though they don´t print their lyrics on most of their releases!


  1. hey danke für das angebot mit bayern!mal gucken wie wir das gekabelt kriegen.

    ansonsten ist meine muddi total von der rolle bzgl. meiner wortwahl hehe.
    ich habe schon gelobt mich zu bessern ;).

  2. meld dich einfach! aber es sei dir gesagt, dass wir hier alle streng katholish sind und wenn du die sache mit den schlimmen wörtern vorher nicht in den griff kriegst müssen wir dir den mund mit seife waschen!
