Saturday, May 3, 2008


Mr. Batguano gave me a hint that he´d appreciate it if I´d post this 15 track split 7". which was released by Nippons NAT rec. as everybody and his granny knows CHARLES BRONSON I guess I don´t have to say much more about them. QUILL hail from Nippon and if you´re a regular visitor of Mr. Batguano´s blog like I am you´ve met them already here and as they are from Nippon you can´t do much wrong if you give them a try! is it Twiggy on the CHARLES BRONSON cover?


  1. Gonna try this one, thanks and great site!

    I linked you up by the way, if you don't mind. Cheers!

  2. You are indeed the Pope! Thanks for this ep. I wish I could help you with the Twiggy question, but I am lost on 90% of all pop-culture references (the exceptions are maybe the Simpsons and Star Wars... yep, nerd over here!).


  3. Hello there,

    Your blog rules! I saw sometime last year you uploaded a split 7" between They Live/Countdown To Oblivion. I really enjoyed having the They Live tracks to put on a cd, I already had the vinyl. I have uploaded the mp3s of They Live's 625 7" titled A Taste Of The Good Life, I figured you might want to post it on your page. Extremely punishing, brutal hardcore!

  4. What should I say about Charles Bronson ? Fucking great.
    I was begging to get the Youth Attack 10 Inch (or was it a LP ?)but somehow no copies arrived europe hehe.
    I was a lucky guy when the Discocraphy CD came out, so i had it all ;-)
    By the way my EP has a different cover. This looks better.

    Count Yorga

  5. I got both versions the european 10" on coalition rec. and the u.s. 12" version on lengua armada. so some copies have arrived in europe! hehehe
    I didn´t know that there are different covers around.

  6. Wo hast Du denn die Youth Attack abgestaubt? Bei den meisten DIY Mailordern war das Teil nur angkündigt, wurde aber nie geliefert. Habe mich damals schwarz geärgert.Da kann doch nur Beziehung oder Vetternwirtschaft im Spiel gewesen sein :-) .
    Jedenfalls hatte ich mir die Discography CD schnell bei den Amis bestellt.
    Count Yorga

  7. stimmt! die 10" version hab ich mit vitamin b bekommen und die 12" version hab ich günstig bei abgestaubt! die 12" find ich besser weil das poster mehr als doppelt so groß ist wie bei der 10" und man deswegen die texte sogar lesen kann!
